
Hi, I'm Terry Newhouse Flynn,

a textile artist and art educator who creates garments, accessories, and sculptures that combine my interests in woven, braided, and knitted textiles. I credit the ten years from 1990-2000 of daily immersion in a weaving/knitting/braiding shop for deepening my understanding of yarns, color interaction, textile structures, and clothing design. I invited Rodrick Owen to teach Kumihimo in my shop in 1993, which led to many years of collaboration and intense study of braided textiles. (And I only wanted to make a a few fasteners for my handwoven jackets.) This includes co-publishing two books, Andean Sling Braids, New Designs for Textile Artists (2016), and Sling Braiding Traditions and Techniques from Peru, Bolivia and Around the World   (Nov. 2017).

After I sold the shop I returned to school. That was its own adventure! I spent a year at Baltimore County Community College in Catonsville majoring in Art. Then I was fortunate to transfer to Maryland Institute College of Art, where I earned a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Fiber (2004) and a M.A.T. in Art Education (2005).

Over the years, I have taught and co-taught braiding and weaving in a variety of venues. I am known for my patience helping students understand the braiding or weaving process. In my “other life” I enjoy teaching art full-time during the school year in Baltimore County, MD to students ages 5-21 with special needs. I live in Catonsville where you might find me puttering in my garden while I take a break. It takes a lot of  concentration to figure out webpage building, textile work, or virtual teaching during Covid. The garden is always a work in progress! 


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